Widget komentar atau recent comment dengan filter admin ini saya comot langsung dari widget yg ada di home nextbiker.com . Silahkan diedit sendiri css dan setingnya . Untuk penempatan CSS bisa dijadikan satu dalam widget atau dipisah .
<style type="text/css"> .recent-comment { margin:6px 0px 10px 4px;} .recent-comment-admin { background-color: #F8F1DF; } .recent-comment-ico { padding: 2px; background: #fefefe; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 1px #ccc; -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 1px #ccc; box-shadow: 0 1px 1px #ccc; float: left; margin: 0 6px 0 0; position: relative; overflow: hidden;} .avatarRound { -moz-border-top-left-radius: 6px; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 6px; border-top-left-radius: 6px; -moz-border-bottom-right-radius: 6px; -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 6px; border-bottom-right-radius: 6px; } .recent-comment-header {} .recent-comment-body { padding-right: 4px; font-size: 90%; color:#666; font-style:italic } .recent-comment-footer { font-size: 85%; } </style>
Edit value dari // CONFIG START: sampai // CONFIG END atau teks yg berwarna hijau
NOTE :<script type="text/javascript"> // CONFIG START: var numRecentComments = 6; var numPerPost = 2; // max comments per post (to try) or 0 var maxCommentChars = 0; var maxPostTitleChars = 30; // if 0, use full post title var txtWrote = '<!--wrote-->'; var txtMore = '<!--readmore-->'; var txtTooltip = '[title]'; var txtAnonymous = 'Anonym'; // empty, or Anonymous user name localized // Variables [xxx] in texts: // supports [title], [user], [date], [time], [datetime], [date format] // format supports: yyyy=long year, yy=short year, MM=month(01-12), dd=monthday, hh=hour, mm=min, ss=sec var getTitles = true; // false faster var trueAvatars = true; // false faster var urlMyAvatar = ''; // can be empty (then it is fetched) or url to image var urlMyProfile = ''; // set if you have no profile gadget on page // var cropAvatar = true; var sizeAvatar = 30; var urlNoAvatar = "https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg5ptnZ0qOmKagvCy5JGt6HUhP2fBEvXumJQViy74bpLnPLz4zY0Ljn4IareiCPp08wlFBLY_HG0Wu8B2PLbEIb6FgQBXQSWq77EBB1ZNpB6D5kX3AU8hwcbGkJ3Po1qJK3pIyov3wnXNE/"+sizeAvatar+"/avatar_blue_m_96.png"; // var urlAnoAvatar = 'http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/00000000000000000000000000000000?d=mm&s=' + sizeAvatar; var maxResultsPosts = ""; // or for example "&max-results=100" var maxResultsComments = ""; // or for example "&max-results=300" // CONFIG END var urlToTitle = {}; function replaceVars(text, user, title, date) { text = text.replace('[user]', user); text = text.replace('[date]', date.toLocaleDateString()); text = text.replace('[datetime]', date.toLocaleString()); text = text.replace('[time]', date.toLocaleTimeString()); text = text.replace('[title]', title.replace(/"/g,'"')); var i = text.indexOf("[date "); if(i > -1) { var format = /[dates+(.+?)]/.exec(text)[1]; if(format != '') { var txtDate = format.replace(/yyyy/i, date.getFullYear()); txtDate = txtDate.replace(/yy/i, date.getFullYear().toString().slice(-2)); txtDate = txtDate.replace("MM", String("0"+(date.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2)); txtDate = txtDate.replace("mm", String("0"+date.getMinutes()).slice(-2)); txtDate = txtDate.replace("ss", String("0"+date.getSeconds()).slice(-2)); txtDate = txtDate.replace("dd", String("0"+date.getDate()).slice(-2)); //or: txtDate = txtDate.replace("dd", date.getDate()); txtDate = txtDate.replace("hh", String("0"+date.getHours()).slice(-2)); //or: txtDate = txtDate.replace("hh", date.getHours()); text = text.replace(/[dates+(.+?)]/, txtDate) } } return text; } if(urlMyProfile == "") { var elements = document.getElementsByTagName("*"); var expr = /(^| )profile-link( |$)/; for(var i=0 ; i<elements.length ; i++) if(expr.test(elements[i].className)) { urlMyProfile = elements[i].href; break; } } function getPostUrlsForComments(json) { for(var i = 0 ; i < json.feed.entry.length ; i++ ) { var entry = json.feed.entry[i]; for (var k = 0; k < entry.link.length; k++ ) { if (entry.link[k].rel == 'alternate') { href = entry.link[k].href; break; } } urlToTitle[href] = entry.title.$t; } } function showRecentComments(json) { var postHandled = {}; var j = 0; if(numPerPost) { while(numPerPost < numRecentComments) { for(var i = 0 ; i < json.feed.entry.length ; i++ ) { var entry = json.feed.entry[i]; if(entry.author[0].name.$t=="Admin Nextbiker") continue; if(entry["thr$in-reply-to"]) { if(!postHandled[entry["thr$in-reply-to"].href]) postHandled[entry["thr$in-reply-to"].href] = 1; else postHandled[entry["thr$in-reply-to"].href]++; if(postHandled[entry["thr$in-reply-to"].href] <= numPerPost) j++; } } if(j >= numRecentComments) break; numPerPost++; j = 0; postHandled = {}; } if(numRecentComments == numPerPost) numPerPost = 0; } postHandled = {}; j = 0; for(var i = 0 ; j < numRecentComments && i < json.feed.entry.length ; i++ ) { var entry = json.feed.entry[i]; if(entry.author[0].name.$t=="Admin Nextbiker") continue; if(numPerPost && postHandled[entry["thr$in-reply-to"].href] && postHandled[entry["thr$in-reply-to"].href] >= numPerPost) continue; if(entry["thr$in-reply-to"]) { if(!postHandled[entry["thr$in-reply-to"].href]) postHandled[entry["thr$in-reply-to"].href] = 1; else postHandled[entry["thr$in-reply-to"].href]++; j++; var href=''; for (var k = 0; k < entry.link.length; k++ ) { if (entry.link[k].rel == 'alternate') { href = entry.link[k].href; break; } } if(href=='') {j--; continue; } var hrefPost = href.split("?")[0]; var comment = ""; if("content" in entry) comment = entry.content.$t; else comment = entry.summary.$t; comment = comment.replace(/<br[^>]*>/ig, " "); comment = comment.replace(/<S[^>]*>/g, ""); var postTitle="-"; if(urlToTitle[hrefPost]) postTitle=urlToTitle[hrefPost]; else { if(hrefPost.match(//([^/]*).html/)) postTitle = hrefPost.match(//([^/]*).html/)[1].replace(/_d{2}$/, ""); postTitle = postTitle.replace(/-/g," "); postTitle = postTitle[0].toUpperCase() + postTitle.slice(1); } if(maxPostTitleChars && postTitle.length > maxPostTitleChars) { postTitle = postTitle.substring(0, maxPostTitleChars); var indexBreak = postTitle.lastIndexOf(" "); postTitle = postTitle.substring(0, indexBreak) + "..."; } var authorName = entry.author[0].name.$t; var authorUri = ""; if(entry.author[0].uri && entry.author[0].uri.$t != "") authorUri = entry.author[0].uri.$t; var avaimg = urlAnoAvatar; var bloggerprofile = "http://www.blogger.com/profile/"; if(trueAvatars && entry.author[0].gd$image && entry.author[0].gd$image.src && authorUri.substr(0,bloggerprofile.length) == bloggerprofile) avaimg = entry.author[0].gd$image.src; else { var parseurl = document.createElement('a'); if(authorUri != "") { parseurl.href = authorUri; avaimg = 'http://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=' + parseurl.hostname; } } if(urlMyProfile != "" && authorUri == urlMyProfile && urlMyAvatar != "") avaimg = urlMyAvatar; if(avaimg == "http://img2.blogblog.com/img/b16-rounded.gif" && urlNoAvatar != "") avaimg = urlNoAvatar; var newsize="s"+sizeAvatar; avaimg = avaimg.replace(//sdd+-c//, "/"+newsize+"-c/"); if(cropAvatar) newsize+="-c"; avaimg = avaimg.replace(//sdd+(-c){0,1}//, "/"+newsize+"/"); if(authorName == 'Anonymous' && txtAnonymous != '' && avaimg == urlAnoAvatar) authorName = txtAnonymous; var imgcode = '<img class="avatarRound" height="'+sizeAvatar+'" width="'+sizeAvatar+'" title="'+authorName+'" src="'+avaimg+'" />'; if (authorUri!="") imgcode = ''+imgcode+''; var clsAdmin = ""; if(urlMyProfile != "" && authorUri == urlMyProfile) clsAdmin = " recent-comment-admin"; var datePart = entry.published.$t.match(/d+/g); // assume ISO 8601 var cmtDate = new Date(datePart[0],datePart[1]-1,datePart[2],datePart[3],datePart[4],datePart[5]); var txtHeader = txtWrote; if(txtWrote.indexOf('[')==-1) txtHeader = authorName + ' ' + txtWrote; else txtHeader = replaceVars(txtHeader, authorName, postTitle, cmtDate); var tooltip = replaceVars(txtTooltip, authorName, postTitle, cmtDate); if(!/#/.test(href)) href += "#comments"; document.write('<div title="'+tooltip+'" class="recent-comment'+clsAdmin+'">'); document.write('<div title="'+tooltip+'" class="recent-comment-header'+clsAdmin+'"><div title="'+tooltip+'" class="recent-comment-ico avatarRound'+clsAdmin+'">'+imgcode+'</div> ' + txtHeader + ' <br/>@ <a style="font-weight:small;text-transform:lowercase;color:#CFEC45;" title="'+tooltip+'" href="' + href + '">' + tooltip + '</a></div>'); if(comment.length < maxCommentChars) document.write('<div title="'+tooltip+'" class="recent-comment-body'+clsAdmin+'">' + comment + '</div>'); else { comment = comment.substring(0, maxCommentChars); var indexBreak = comment.lastIndexOf(" "); comment = comment.substring(0, indexBreak); document.write('<div title="'+tooltip+'" class="recent-comment-body'+clsAdmin+'">' + comment + '<!--...--></div>'); if(txtMore != "") { var moretext = replaceVars(txtMore, authorName, postTitle, cmtDate); document.write('<div title="'+tooltip+'" class="recent-comment-footer'+clsAdmin+'"><a title="'+tooltip+'" href="' + href + '">' + moretext + '</a></div>'); } } document.write('<div style="clear:both;"></div></div>'); } } } if(getTitles) document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="http://'+window.location.hostname+'/feeds/posts/summary?redirect=false'+maxResultsPosts+'&alt=json-in-script&callback=getPostUrlsForComments"></'+'script>'); document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="http://'+window.location.hostname+'/feeds/comments/default?redirect=false'+maxResultsComments+'&alt=json-in-script&callback=showRecentComments"></'+'script>'); </script>
** Nama blog owner / admin case sensitive yg artinya huruf besar dan kecil berpengaruh.
** Tidak semua lambang alay / special character untuk nama blog owner bisa bekerja .
** Ganti teks hijau dengan yang sesuai .